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Name: PDF: Kim the Coed Bodybuilder! 2
Studio: Hampton
Price: $ 6.00
Length (hh:mm:ss):
Size (MB):
Format: MP4
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: Kim is not a student you want to mess with! And she wanted to make that very clear to her classmates and teacher! the teacher grabs Kim by the shoulder! Kim elbows him right in the stomach and lifts Ernie even higher in the air and says she is now in charge! .. the teacher is now holding his stomach from the impact! what will happen next... Ernie is still in her grip!... Kim uses her strength and puts Ernie down with a warning not to mess with her again! she then goes behind Mr. Davis and gives him a crushing bear hug! letting him know that she's in charge now! she then carries him to the desk! see what she does next! enjoy! I don't want to spoil it for you!
Status: Available

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