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Clip Details

Name: The Audition
Studio: BMP Clips
Price: $ 10.00
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:31:28
Size (MB): 135 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 320 x 240
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: This story was reviewed in the June 9-16, 1994 issue of The Spectator, San Francisco Bay Area's Adult Entertainment Weekly. Here is the story line: a rather shifty little guy is holding auditions for his Big Amazon Epic. The painfully beautiful tall and gorgeous Debby at 5'8" and a husky 150 pounds comes along to try out for the part. Her annoyance at the sleazy guy's attempts to get close and personal develops into completely trashing the jerk. Debby's long strong legs put on the squeeze and she doesn't miss out on the chance of throwing and carrying his weak body all over the apartment. In the end she proves that she is more than enough woman for the part that existed in the mind of the producer only, and leaves him worn and buzzed to contemplate his folly. This story includes wrestling, as well as lifts and carries.
Status: Available

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