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Name: The gymnasts push cars
Studio: College Physiques
Price: $ 10.00
Length (hh:mm:ss): 14
Size (MB): 329
Format: MP4
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: Her body is flexible, yet powerful. Her muscles are long and lean, strong and hard. She can bend her body into remarkable positions, and if necessary, she can bend a man's body in ways He wouldn't have thought possible. Her arms are strong enough to support her weight, her legs are like hard steel columns of muscle. She can do one-armed push-ups, she can support another gymnast bigger than She is or even fireman carry a Man easily. You can see her at your local gym, and every time you see her, the adrenaline rushes to your heart, your throat becomes full, and your blood pounds in your veins. She's well aware of the effect she has on you, and if you're lucky, she'll smile at you as she does the strength feat that would be impossible for you.
Status: Available

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